Lara gave us an amazing edible garden plan! She put the design on large architectural style paper in a large plastic zippered bag, which has come in incredibly handy when we take it outdoors to work on something. The drawings are incredibly detailed as well.

The most useful part of the design was the handbook that came with it. Inside, Lara listed links to the various items that we had discussed (various fencing options, how to build a cold frame, etc). She included a task list, a plant shopping list with the common and scientific names as well as amounts needed. She included a small journal area as well. However, the best part of this package is the crop rotation plan! She has listed each of the beds and given us a three year plan!

Since then Lara has been back to our home several times to coach us, help lay out beds and teach how to create the raised beds. She has offered advice on maintaining or improving some of the other plants we currently have (such as fruit trees and raspberry bushes). Through it all, Lara has been a great source of information and support! I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for edible/organic landscapes or gardens!